We wish to bring to your kind attention that we are jointly organizing the EUCARPIA Cereals Section Conference, to be held from May 15-20, 2023 at the Cereal Research Nonprofit Ltd., Szeged, Hungary.
You are kindly invited to participate, offer papers for oral or poster presentations for the Conference and/or sponsor this event. A wide range of cereal breeding research will be covered by topics of basic and applied research, presenting problems and future challenges and innovations.
The Organizers – the Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd, and the EUCARPIA Cereals Section, are sure that you will enjoy the Hungarian hospitability and have an interesting professional and agreeable personal time during the Conference.
See you in May, in Szeged, Hungary!
Dr. Beata Toth and Dr. Lajos Bona, Co-Chairs of the Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Andreas Börner, Chair of the International Scientific Committee, EUCARPIA President
Find more information at www.cerealszeged2023.eu