Acrylamide and process formed contaminants: A supply chain approach

Acrylamide and process formed contaminants: A supply chain approach

We are delighted to invite you to attend an exciting conference on ‘Acrylamide and process formed contaminants: A supply chain approach’ which takes place at ‘The Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels on September 4th-5th 2024. This event is co-organised by the ACRYRED Cost Action, the International Life Sciences Institute and the Association of Applied Biologists.

This event brings together scientific and policy experts who are interested in the breeding, processing and production implications of acrylamide formation in popular foods such as cereals, potatoes and coffee. This meeting is across two exciting days and will include both plenary and concurrent sessions. On the evening of September 4th will host a social event at the Mazette Beerpub.

The event website is here.

Confirmed invited speakers include:

Frans Verstraete (European Commission), Benedikt Cramer (University of Münster), Manuel Coimbra (University of Aveiro), Andy Curtis (European Snacks Association), Franco Pedreschi (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), Zuzana Ciesarova (National Agricultural and Food Centre, Slovakia), Vural Gokmen (Hacettepe University, Turkey), Friedrich Longin (University of Hohenheim), Christine Nowakowski (General Mills, Minneapolis), Jane Parker (University of Reading), Marco Arlorio (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Marta Mesias (Spanish National Research Council), Elena Baldoni (IOtalian National Research Council), Elena Bartkiene (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) and Navneet Kaur (Rothamsted Research)

Submit an abstract here.

If you have any questions about the event please contact Andrea Colafranceshi at ILSI ( or Geraint Parry at the AAB (

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